Dad was loading the truck and I noticed that he had his shot gun and hunting vest, this was getting exciting. It would be the first time we have been hunting this year. Dad loaded me into the front of the truck and we headed north through the town of Riggins and out to Cow Creek. I have hunted here before so I knew what to expect. Dad parked the truck and we headed down in to the canyon, dad was a little slow getting down so I waited for him at the creek. The first thing I saw were these tracks, when dad got down there he was none to happy to see them, he said every time he finds turkey tracks he doesn't see any grouse. I hunted hard and looked every where, we walked up the creek to the head but didn't see any birds. I thought that I caught the scent of grouse a couple of time but they were long gone.
It sure was good to be out. We hunted for about 2 hours then dad said his hip was starting to bother him so we headed out of the canyon and back up to the truck. we still had a great time, and I was happy.

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